2007 Ford F-150 XL - Misc. Automotive For Sale Classifieds
2007 Ford F-150 XL - Misc. Automotive For Sale Classifieds


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2007 Ford F-150 XL

Selected Ad
Category: Misc. Automotive For Sale
Title: 2007 Ford F-150 XL
Ad Number: 24513
Date Posted: 8/16/2010
Contact: Digi-Go Publishing
Dallas, TX
Website: http://www.digi-go.biz/about.html

2007 Ford F-150 XL

Many photos and details of this Ford F-150 here:
This vehicle is located in Dunlap, TN 37327. I'm looking to relocate to a bigger city and minimize my bills, so I've decided to at least attempt to get rid of my truck. I've owned it for about 9 months now and bought off of a private seller who was the first and only owner before myself. The truck has been kept in great condition, with routine oil changes and tune-ups. There's a few very minor scratches and a ding on the passenger side where someone bumped me in a parking lot and wasn't courteous enough to leave a message. You can barely see the ding in the photo, if you look toward the base of the truck under that small back window. It's a 2 door (with 2 small doors in the back for easy access to storage area behind the seats), has 3 seats and a 5-speed manual transmission with a 4.2:L V6 engine. -- And of course the tool box would be included. If you have any more questions, need more pictures and/or think you might be interested, please let me know! Thanks for looking!. Asking $10100.


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